excuses to get out of drill weekendexcuses to get out of drill weekend

Your goal should be TO LEARN during the drill, not avoid it. Depressing, yet so effective. Lets Deal With Quiet Firing In The Workplace, 8 Signs of Quiet Firing You Should Know Now, 10 Good Excuses for Not Working on Weekends, 1. But I mostly just want to call OP out. They had to go door to door knocking to tell people to leave. When staff brought this and other safety concerns to upper management, these were brushed away, even though 1) they hired the trainer to come and say these things, and 2) we had violent threats and probably at least 1 or 2 lockdowns per year. Rush inside? Most units require at least a month notice, but the sooner the better when it comes to requesting to be excused from drill. This has led to a lot of frustration among soldiers, especially those who were looking forward to the opportunity to train and bond with their unit mates. Im older woman, early 50s, white, living in Texas where no permit is needed to carry a gun. https://bit.ly/3SDoQpc. Welcome to teaching in America! So weird, right? The perfect, no commitment excuse. Not a drill, but my church employer, with school and preschool attached, had us all watch a video of a shooting simulation at a school. To effectively use these excuses, avoid any unnecessary long details. No. Now the thought of visiting my friends in the US on holiday absolutely terrifies me. Tell the host a detailed story of how hectic your last week was with all the office meetings, official tours, and prepping up for the big seminar that went great today. the vast majority of these trainings rely on terrorizing people and teaching absolutely nothing of practical value other than you sure might get shot at work! by Divi Cakes main goal is to help the members of the Divi community find the perfect premium Divi themes, layouts, and plugins created by leading Divi developers and designers. If my staff had this conversation to me, Id take it immediately back to leadership b/c my leadership is older than me. Even so, the vast majority of cops who do carry spend their whole career without firing a shot except on the range. They need the weekend so that they can complete their volunteering obligations. I have a perfect non-attendance record for the last 10 years of active shooter training at my firm. What in the actual hell? People in hiding should expect to be there for hours. They ended up with injuries when one of the factory guys had a turn at being shooter and took out some aggression on management. I am lucky in that my dean is sympathetic. Again, be sure to notify your commanding officer as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Hey [Name], my stomach is not in the best of conditions at the moment so its probably best for everyone if I stay at home this evening. If you are in the National Guard or Reserves, you may be required to participate in drill weekends. Because all you need to do is say these four words. Not to deal with the threat to the campus. I saw on other comments that some, like Snarkus Aurelius, had something presented by non-emergency responders. It has nothing to do with any practical benefit, IMO. It isnt helpful. As another university admin assistant (also for a dean) who has just spent the last couple of weeks dealing with a real recent active shooting event on a campus: what?!??!! The last time we had an active shooter drill, HR neglected to tell emergency services that it was only a drill. I personally would quickly follow it up with oh no, hold on *RETCH* I really have to go *RETCH* and hang up. Telling David a massive no straight to his face will come across as rude and will likely hurt his feelings in the process. You have a family emergency. I rarely wish for a like button. https://www.everytown.org/solutions/active-shooter-drills/ I am tired and frustrated that my unit has decided to disrespect my schedule and time. You're Sick 2. There are many reasons why people volunteer, including: Women volunteered more than men (28.3% compared to 21.8%), as measured across demographics including age, education level, and ethnicity. Anyone can offer this training, and who knows the background of the trainer, if theyve informed and/or worked with law enforcement to plan and schedule the exercise, or if they have any background in the psychological impacts of active shooter situations, simulated or not (doubtful). Which brings me to active-shooter training. Are there many gossipers in your work place? It was redic overall and yes it is a way of coping. What kind of work does this company do that they think theres such heightened risk of a mass shooting in their workplace that this over-the-top training is necessary? The problem is some people say This is horrible, we have to do something so kids dont get shot at school and suggest, to them, reasonable ideas like getting rid of automatic weapons or raising the age of gun ownership, etc. My kiddos are teenagers now, and several times a year we get a school communication (simultaneous call, text, email) that there has been a threat to their school. CLICK HERE to get your copy from Book Depository. My 1st grader and her classmates knew all the hiding spots in their school and when they built a model school classroom as a project, insisted they put several into their creation. Now its Friday afternoon. Im so sorry youre dealing with this, OP, and that your boss made a joke about directing a shooter to you. When my coworkers started joking about it, I told them if they kept it up, Id go to HR. They cant ask to leave them alone at home nor do they. The whole realistic reenactment thing makes people in charge feel like theyre doing more than they are. And despite having been through all that, my organization has never had a seven hour training for employees. Want to write a professional email at work? 11. The self advocacy takes its own toll. This website is supported by adverts and affiliate marketing links. The five most popular were: golf, basketball, baseball/softball, soccer, and running. I knew people involved in both. It was a Jewish Organization, and the week prior was the shooting at the Temple in Pittsburgh. Personally I think if there are ways to prepare people that dont involve trauma, then we should do those. I am stuck on *seven hours. That said, we have surprisingly few firearm-related incidents here, given that Finland has the most guns at home per capita after the US and Yemen. 4. Well have to reschedule another time Im afraid! I feel for commanders and NCO on this issue because the people at the top REFUSE to truly find ways to resolve this issue because a number on the books is all that matters. 2) Bring snacks and drinks with you so you dont get hungry or thirsty during drill. cristina's restaurant salsa recipe. If its that long Im going to insist that they outline their full plan for workers compensation, life insurance beneficiary process etc in the event of an active shooter situation. However, just this once, you want to put what YOU want first and theres nothing wrong with that! Since the official communication didnt call it mandatory Im guessing its not deny PTO-level mandatory. This article may contain affiliate links. Because its unnecessary. A.C is the editor-in-chief & career development expert who writes about real-world career advice on job search, interviews, career success, and hiring the right people for the team. I know many of them are probably fine, but many are also horror themed. No pressure if you cant! Agreed, why is this training seven hours long? My boss and his wife were directly behind me! Thankfully my boss was fantastic and made sure I didnt have to attend an actual training. To unsubscribe, please use the link included in the newsletter. Ive been a high school teacher and used to absolutely dread the mandatory yearly training on school shootings we do in the week before school begins. Editor-in-Chief & Career Development Expert. I wouldnt outright say it was a mental health day, since this boss almost certainly wouldnt consider that a valid sick day given his opinions on mental health. Well, the car seemed like it was fixed so i drive to work and back the last couple days with no issues. OP Thank you for writing in. Our population is very low-functioning, so having them do an active shooter run-hide-fight type of drill is pointless. Everytown has some resources regarding that as well. When I voiced my concerns, he made a few jokes about how he would simply redirect the shooter to a younger person.. Nope. The best way to make the most of your time in the Drill Army Reserves is to get involved with your unit and fellow soldiers. Michelle Rennex, Culture (That said, I worked at Planned Parenthood and we had bomb scares, which I know isnt the same but was pretty creepy until we realized it was the same wingnut calling in the threats from hundreds of miles away.). Unless a midterm or final is involved, college is not an excuse or missing drill. Also for people who have been IN mass shootings or have experienced gun violence, these trainings can be very psychologically damaging. I had a young kid when Sandy Hook happened, as many of us old folks did, but even those who are childless should at least be able to imagine the trauma these drills can cause. All The Hidden Clues In Squid Game That Pointed To That Twist Ending Protagonist is South Asian or possibly Middle Eastern man who is meeting a woman for a date? Dealing with Life Events or Advice, Texts and Messaging Templates. How awful. I was impressed with the tone of the announcements over the PA that communicated to the teachers that they should close their classroom doors, not take their classes out to recess, and so on (I dont remember the language they used) and the teachers just carrying on teaching as if nothing were happening. There is a solution that has worked just about everywhere else in the world, and its not this. 9 drill periods in one year it typically starts the discharge process. I know I would. She realized after they should not have made those jokes where I could hear them (though I understand you sometimes need dark humor to deflect your own discomfort). I had a stalker threatening to kill my family / loved ones for (years? If youre curious I can expand on that, but I dont want to derail the thread. Are they tenants in a building that is having this training for all businesses? My workplace recently made kind of a big deal about a mandatory training (DEI, not active shooter). one of the many lies that people tell themselves and others when they have to work with people who really arent that nice at all. We also dont call it an active shooter drilll, because wed have lockdown for any intruder. I told them the way you prevent that is to click their heels together and wish real hard. Health care employees come under a ton of violence/assaults, from verbal to physical to sexual, and generally experience it at a rate that rivals most other professions. We then had a staff meeting to discuss their concerns and a number of my staff expressed anxiety about mass shootings, workplace shootings, and what their kids went through with drills at school. Even I could tell how hard it was for him to keep it together. LW, your boss is being extremely blas about his staffs mental health. These are done periodically at the large state university I work at. You are needed for babysitting 9. You do volunteer work 8. This is considered a valid excuse and your commander should work with you to find an alternate solution . As Alison suggested in bullet point #2, if there is a second-in-command at your job, even if you dont directly report to that person, consider talking to them. This particular teacher was really big on collective responsibility for classroom behavior and (even though Id been pointedly holding my finger to my lips at people when I wasnt huddled in a very small and silent ball) I just remember feeling so guilty. See also so many links and comments above on why these do not work. Plus employers (not mine, fortunately) discourage/forbid their employees from reporting assaults on their person and tell them thats part of the job. This took an hour, and I work in law enforcement! I really hope this changes some day in the US. By the same token, a person who cant deal with guns being fired in their vicinity is unlikely to be able to work as a law enforcement officer, particularly in the US. Your boss is being waaaay too cavalier, he should recognize the possibility of one of his employees having already lived through a mass shooting, had family members affected in a mass shooting, or experienced shooting drills in school, even if hes not a huge mental health fanatic. My office recently did the same thing. I choked up reading that and I have no kids and am not in the US. **Several other events over a long time including the loss of a police officer in the line of duty at a traffic stop at the organization, a murder at the organization, a supervisor I knew dealing with a suicidal worker (despite all of his training, I had to order him to inform the police) and many false alarms. Nowyou dont have a spare tire,and you are afraid that the mechanic workshop maybe closing. From my recollection, they never talk about peoples legit reactions in the moment. When you are in charge of leading a class of kindergarteners into a hiding spot for their drill its a little hard to be removed from the situation. So,I am going out on dinner with him. I didnt read through all of the comments, so perhaps this is addressed upthread. Here are some of the films they are showing. Now that my eldest is in school, I am grateful every day that I married a British man and moved to his hometown. Large auditorium. The hangover excuse is a bit of a gamble anddepends entirely on your relationship with the friend. At their large school, the directive is that 3rd+ need to get off campus and run out to the neighborhood by any means possible. My only other thought is, that if this simulation might happen more than once, it could be useful to go the formal accommodations route so you have a standing reason to not attend any sessions. And law enforcement is the last group Id trust with my safety. Or worse, maybe they know its going to happen sometime between those seven hours, but not when. And at least a third of us are on the introverted side. The social aspects of man-caused tragedy (shooters/bombings) aside (which I agree with others that acceptance this is the new reality is wrong, will require better funding for mental health/social support/etc that I can vote for), it has been demonstrated time and again that reading about what to do is NOT the same level of preparedness as drills. No one likes drill weekend. There are plenty of hours in the day to work, but youll only get one chance to attend that special occasion. It wasnt all employees that attended, but a large number of people were part of it. A person who cant handle those wouldnt be able to work those jobs. This means that a significant proportion of the volunteer labor force comes from people who are already occupied with paid labor elsewhere. My last workplace did the hide in your office training, which was lackluster in different ways I definitely found it mildly triggering due to experiences Ive had, and we received no training on how to protect our customers. 1) Wont happen herewe are nowhere near the big city where these things happen. If you decide to go with one of the previous options, I wish you luck, strength and eloquence. Shop hundreds of premium Divi products like Divi child themes, Divi layouts, and Divi plugins on Divi Cake, the community-driven Divi Marketplace. Im a teacher and have been in charge of children during these drills. They also handwaved off the fact that we work in a giant glass fishbowl and cant remotely lock the doors like you can with many other buildings on campus. 3. If you feel you need to address it with your boss directly, you could do that while being vague. **Person kills a cop and a security guard and ends up next to the organization waiting to engage law enforcement, he was caught.law enforcement response was disorganized due to lack of large scale practice. The irony of school kids being taught run-hide-fight when theres so little that they could use to fight withat my desk I have tons of makeshift weapons that could indeed inflict great bodily harm if I had to. Maybe you suggest lunch instead of drinks. That sounds horrible and not at all like a good use of time. -Your job prevents you from attending (you must provide documentation from your employer) same, but I would leave early on the day before because of said flu/stomach bug/whatever, take off sick the day of the training, and take off the next day, too, to avoid the followup chatter around the office, and maybe mitigate some of the where were you, you missed its. The university police ran the session and they were very professional yet laid back, which made the training far less stressful than it could have been. About HQHIREAffiliate DisclosureTerms & ConditionPrivacy PolicyContact usSitemap, Education ArticlesGetting A JobCareer SuccessEducationCareer ListCareer Tools, Career ChatroomAsk QuestionsRegister or LoginRecover Password, Copyright 2023 HQ HIRE All Rights Reserved. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? You may not even know who the person is, but as long as your friends are going, youre good to go. Sending my best wishes to you. This means that you are no longer allowed to serve in the reserves and will have to leave immediately. If Rainy Day was stressed by the drill, think of how they would have felt. Now that I think about it, my workplace gives building-specific info for other types of emergency preparation i.e., I know where were supposed to evacuate and gather in the case of a fire, I know where in the building we should shelter in the case of a tornado/severe weather, but the active shooter training module was only a generic video with a generic office building showing fear and the run/hide/fight scenarios. My employer has Active Shooter Training videos, but the intro states that if the viewer doesnt want to watch for any reason, you dont have to and heres a transcript. Good for you for advocating for yourself. I like the idea of getting a doc note and or calling out sick but if OP does wind up going to work that day I would simply leave if/when an active shooter simulation starts. If you get any pushback, then escalate it to whoever has authority. Your boss can think you are a snowflake all he wants, but the fact is your boss is being an insensitive jerk. Call in sick and dont ever apologize for it. Learn more about me here. We get our images from the OG in stock assets. 3. Pretty sure it wasnt the entire day but it wasnt a full day of school anyways (minimum day). For many of us, a side hustle allows us to: If you have the passion, stamina, and ability to have a successful side hustle, having your weekends free to pursue it is a legitimate excuse to avoid weekend work. Take this as the valuable information about him that it is and think about how long youre willing to work for someone who is totally okay with causing you this kind of harm. It makes it less obvious that it was about the training. SEVEN HOURS of active shooter training? It sounds like they just decided to do an active shooter drill. Not to mention, what are people with physical disabilities supposed to do? They used to kind of joke about the fire alarm being pulled and then a school shooting happened where a fire alarm was pulled and kids were shot leaving their classrooms/building. Your boss sounds like a huge jerk. This is not an uncommon occurrence at my unit. (Voting to change policies CAN help, but not the way were doing it.). I dont think I could do a drill again. In the last year we had a shooting at another campus in my district, and a lockdown on my campus for a suspected shooter (someone on the street with a gun who did not end up coming into the building). Scripts & Templates for Lifes Uncomfortable Conversations. I was out the day the training happened, but apparently it was just a cop lecture interspersed with scary videos. You never know when that may be useful. I have AT starting Aug 7. 10 points are given just for being in the Reserves, which leaves 14 from AT + 26 MUTA (13 drill days). And I absolutely think you should do the same. There Is Inclement Weather 9. Ugh, so sorry OP this is a terrible idea on your companys part. Many many pointed questions would be asked, if they are going to make me go through that kinda nonsense Im going to insist that they are asked as many uncomfortable preparedness questions as possible. I can not imagine what possible justification there is to spend an entire workday on this. Its very ableist to assume that all people can crouch/somehow hide for hours at a time without feeling pain. I totally relate to the letter writer. If you miss a drill weekend, there are a few things that could happen. You Have a Doctor's Appointment 3. But I was wondering how can reasonable accomodations include opting out of mandatory safety related training? I cant fathom why that level of training would be required for active shooter response. (gag). Hey [Name] I think Ive got to stay in tonight and take care of [Insert Roomates Name]. They were clearly making an effort on all sides not to alarm the kids, and my own kids were totally oblivious that anything was amiss. My Dad was a St. John Ambulance volunteer when he was younger, and was a casualty in drills more than once. One time my office decided to do an escape room as a team bonding exercise. Could we catch up at a less hectic week? So, maybe next time? Several of their colleagues/friends were injured, and the shooter (another colleague) died. Their representatives propose these changes. Sometimes the truth comes out when people pretend to joke. Im likely close to the same age as the LW, and at the risk of making everyone feel ancient, I was born the year Columbine happened. My all-women department once went to a shooting range for a super fun team building event at one of their self-defense courses. Hey really curious, since I am in a tangentially related field; is the same true for fire drills, earthquake drills, etc. The peak factor was approaching 4.5 or I couldnt find a single driver in my area will work. Youre busy adulting and creating the life you want and deserve, maybe you have children, have important introvert duties or youve been silently spending your evenings working on that business youve always dreamed of. What if theyre going to do it several times? When you see any warning signs of feeling burnout at work, you should ask to take your weekend off work. No job is worth your life. Thats so callous. I hope LW is able to realize his insensitivity is plenty of cause for reconsidering her stance on him and using all her effort to pushback on such terrible behavior from him. Even ignoring personal history, seven hours is enough to upset anyone! Work from home dont only give you the benefit of only flexible working time and let you sleep a little later than normal. You Have Diarrhea 7. Training as part of orientation. The introvert/extrovert divide is the most fundamental dimension of personality. This was not that, its just callous. We hope that these excuses will help you get some much needed you time. Because when you get out of working on the weekends, someone else will take your place. My 5th grader needs to start practicing scaling the tall fence. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. What About Attending a Trade School Instead of College. He has to fly armed. Please stand firm on the accommodations that you need. But this comment made me want a like button. (Funny how this rarely happens when the rental office is open; some hapless security guard has to try to decode the alarm system fault codes and tell the fire department what happened.). Im gobsmacked. Another employee came in and joked that with the door wide open, she could have killed them all if she was a shooter and didnt they learn anything about locking doors from our recent drill? They also talked about throwing things like your chair or a pencil (?) Sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook so you always know where to find us. If you have questions please Contact Us. Im actually a SME in this area and you are so unbelievably incorrect. There wont be people storming into the building. Logistics, communications, chain of command, etc. I think about my plan a lot bc the patients we serve make us a target. The MDARNG units I have went to, have a lot of MUTA 6s or 2x2x2. As someone who has frequently been the only woman on the team, I certainly understand the concern of being additionally seen as different if you opt out. This article may contain affiliate links. Thats just totally unreasonable. Exactly. I think Alisons advice is really good. I would call in sick for this one even though I already asked not to attend. If you have one disgruntled employee in your midst, that person now knows there will be a seven-hour interval in which everyone will be expecting what they think is a simulation of gun violence. Standing up for yourself now gets my vote. I havent read all the comments, but this makes me truly ill. To be fair, I was already angry on your behalf before reading this letter. I was eighteen when Columbine happened and wed had Dunblane here in the UK only three years before that. Small brush and matte eye shadow that even slightly matches your under eye circles, like taupe. Whats your advice?. Youre under the weather, the end.

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excuses to get out of drill weekend